Tuesday, November 15, 2005


So, my aunt and I were lamenting the short days and early darkness and I said something about how in Alaska in the summer they have like twenty hour days or something (Carsten, you would be the expert here). Then I said, well, that is how their vegetables get so big. So, here, in no particular order, are the best things about Alaska that I can think of.

For like 20 pumpkin pies you only need one pumpkin.
Want to stock up your basement with strawberry jam? "I got 30 quarts from one strawberry!"
If you go on a hike, you don't have to worry about the sun setting and not being able to find your way home.
Fumi salad for 50 - from one head of cabbage!
But Mom, I can't go to sleep while it is light outside!
You never run out of ice for a party.
Fur is IN! Especially if it is attached to a nice warm dog sleeping in front of the fireplace!
Wanna make carrot cake? Get your carrot, shred it, and you've got enough for 3 9x13 size cakes!
Is this not the birthplace of bacon grease cookies? Okay, probably not the birthplace, but they have definitely been made there.
You don't need a refrigerator.
Or a freezer.
A good excuse to use the buddy system.


Amy said...

Alas, I have never been to Alaska.

Amy said...

I guess some things are better left to the imagination... :-)