Saturday, November 05, 2005

Top Ten

We haven't had any top ten lists lately and I guess Joann is probably going through withdrawals, so:

Top Ten Things I miss from My Childhood

10. No mortgage payment (do I hear an AMEN?)
9. My mom calling school to say we were sick (Yeah...of school) and we would go to the beach
8. Going out to breakfast with my dad before school - at Sambo's
7. Being able to fit in the back seat of a Porsche
6. Being able to sleep till noon.
5. Feathered hair.
4. Sav-On ice cream - a quart sized scoop for 25 cents and no guilt
3. Thinking people in their thirties were so OLD!
2. Three week vacations in the camper.
1. Three months off of school in the summer with nothing to do.

Please feel free to add your own...


nomi said...

A whole section for your age-group at blockbuster. -naomi

Amy said...

Yeah, and I forgot eating off the kid's menu. The mac and cheese at Claim Jumper's is really good.

joannmski said...


Hey, my mom never took me to the beach instead of school!

Sinnersaint said...

Riding you Huffy to 7-11 to get a Big Gulp and play video games (when they used to cost a quarter).