Thursday, January 25, 2007

Twelve Things

Okay, 5:30am and I have just finished washing all of the dishes and the dishwasher is going. It sure doesn’t take long before there are no more clean spoons, bowls or pans! The kids go through so many sippy cups, you would think they are disposable! And I actually get paper cups so they won’t use as many. Their main liquid is water and they are allowed to get it freely from the refrigerator. This does mean, however, that they leave water cups on the table. At least if they are open cups, I don’t have to retrieve them later from unknown places. Sippy cups are mainly used now for non-water items and for the car. But I digress.

I need to clean up this messy house today. Finally put away the Christmas tree. But in a few months I will have to pull it out again. It seems the Christmases come much closer together now. It used to take SOOOOO long for Christmas to get here and now, before I know it, there is another one around the corner.

Yesterday I actually got some stuff accomplished! I poked around in the shed for boxes for the Christmas stuff and ended up rearranging part of the shed. The Hubby actually noticed! And it was driving me crazy that there was only a small area to walk around my car in the garage, so I swept and rearranged part of the garage and now there is a decent amount of room to get around my car. My goal is to get The Hubby’s car in the garage, too. I do have a few things I would like to accomplish. Maybe I should make a list and see what gets done. You know, if you write it down and tell someone else, you have a better chance of getting it done, right? So, here goes:

  1. Put away Christmas tree.
  2. Clean out garage.
  3. Clean up patio, sweep, get rid of tumbleweeds, wash table and chairs.
  4. Organize closet (been working on this)
  5. Clean up and organize computer room.
  6. The computer room is such a mess, I need to put it on here twice.
  7. Clean up and organize play room.
  8. Clean up kitchen.
  9. Vacuum.
  10. Shampoo carpets.
  11. Wash floors.
  12. Wash windows.

Okay, twelve things. Some small, some big. Average one per month, though some will have to be done more than once and some will take longer than a month. So, once I get the tree put away, I will have to get started on a couple of the big ones right away, so I make sure they get done before the end of the year. I can’t be out in the garage in the summertime, so that will have to get done soon, if it is to get done at all. I am going to print this out so I can put it on the refrigerator. Wish me luck! This is the year I get organized!

I hope.


Scott said...

see if you can get this knocked out while I'm at work, so as not to disturb my "me" time. ;)

joannmski said...

Now I was going to leave a congratulatory comment on making the list and spreading out the goals, but Scott has distracted me and now I just can't think of anything but wanting to give him a nice smack on top of the head.