Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I was inspired by a new friend, Steph, to write about this. Her writing brought me to tears. You have to go and read it for yourself. She has a great blog. Anyway, she was writing about how much she loves her youngest daughter. Not to exclude the others, but she was just writing about THIS one today. And how much more God loves us. And it reminded me of this song, by Keith Green and written by Melody Green. The chorus, "Thank you oh my father, for giving us your son, and leaving your spirit 'til the work on earth is done." It gets me every time. It never hit me until I was a parent. Just how difficult it must have been for Him to give us His Son, His perfect Son. That God knew men would reject, laugh at, turn away from. And He did it anyway. I couldn't. I am a parent. I love my children more than I ever thought possible. I can't imagine giving them up for ANY reason.

Written by Melody Green

There is a redeemer,
Jesus, God's own son,
Precious lamb of God, messiah,
Holy one,

Jesus my redeemer,
Name above all names,
Precious lamb of God, messiah,
Oh, for sinners slain.

Thank you oh my father,
For giving us your son,
And leaving your spirit,
'til the work on earth is done.

When I stand in glory,
I will see his face,
And there I'll serve my king forever,
In that holy place.

Thank you oh my father,
For giving us your son,
And leaving your spirit,
'til the work on earth is done.

There is a redeemer,
Jesus, god's own son,
Precious lamb of god, messiah,
Holy one,

Thank you oh my father,
For giving us your son,
And leaving your spirit,
'til the work on earth is done.

And leaving your spirit,
'till the work on earth is done.

When I was pregnant with Rebekah, I worried that I couldn't love another child as much as I loved Jessica. I worried about Jess while I was going to the hospital and I missed her exceedingly. For Jessica's birth, I was awake and as soon as I heard that little cry, I began to cry. The nurse brought her to me and showed her to me. I had a C-section, so I couldn't hold her yet. But The Hubby took the picture. My eyes are all red.

With Rebekah, it was different. A planned C-section. So this time they gave me a spinal, instead of the epidural I had with Jessica. Well, I vomited and passed out on the table. Don't remember her birth at all. It bothers me immensely. Still does. I wasn't there for her.

BUT! When I did meet her, oh, the joy! She was BEAUTIFUL! Now remember, I could not imagine loving another as much as Jess. But here was this little (!) ten pound beauty. The nurse told me she had never seen such a beautiful newborn. I beamed. She really was! Not red and blotchy. No pointed forehead or pinched face. She was perfect, round and pink. Completely amazing! And so beautiful. Forget the Baby Channel they have at the hospital for the moms to watch. My TV never went on. I had this little wonder to look at.

I loved her instantly as much as I loved Jessica. Isn't motherhood amazing?!? Who would think? Favorites? They are so completely different! They are both my favorite!

When I was pregnant with Jessica, I was working for an attorney. A cush job! If he was in the office, I would be typing, doing corrections to drafts, etc. If he was not there, which was quite a bit of the time, I would be doing research on the internet. Sometimes all day. Just sitting at my desk printing out page after page of research (this was when I researched the vaccines!). Anyway, I liked my job and liked my boss. Really nice! Then, I had Jess. My attorney boss even bought me the combo car seat stroller that was like $180 and never once complained about the maternity leave! He was great! After six months of working, I couldn't do it anymore! I missed my baby too much. The proverbial straw was when she turned over and my MIL didn't tell me, because she didn't want me to feel bad that I missed the milestone. But I DID miss it because she didn't even TELL me! That was it, I had to stay home. And home I have stayed since then. And aside from the very rare stressful day, there is no place like home! Dorothy was right!

WHEW! I have been all over the map here! Let's just wrap it up by saying that I cannot imagine my life without my little Bekah-Boo. She is a handful and difficult sometimes, but she is such a joy to me. She loves to cuddle and she loves to be the baby. She has a gentle heart and a loving spirit. I can't imagine our family without her! I know now that if God blesses us with any more children, that this mother will have enough love for all of them! Mind-boggling!


Rebekah is doing just fine after all her trauma with the head injury and staples. She didn't cry, or even flinch, when we went to the Dr. to have the three staples removed. She was fantastic and brave! After her Dr. appt., we went to the Valencia mall with Papa (my dad) and we walked past the ear piercing place. As I do every time, I said, "Rebekah, do you want to get your ears pierced?" And she always says, "No, it will hurt", and we keep on going. She said yes. She said YES! So we stopped. And she got her ears pierced. And she cried! And cried some more. And then she whimpered. There was only one girl there. So she couldn't do both ears at the same time! The lady was apologizing when we left. We all felt so bad! But now she is glad she did it. And she feels very grown up! She has little gold balls in her ears and in six weeks we can get something else to put there! My baby is growing up. And she is adorable and I love her so.

Okay, I am done. For now.


Steph C. said...

The song sounds great, I'll have to look it up and hear some of it on the internet....glad you liked my post and I LOVED yours. Love to hear the coming home story. Too many Moms don't give in to the natural desire to be home with their babies and end up struggling mightily with trying to do-it-all. What we do at home is a FULL TIME job. More so even! Congrats on Bekah's ears...SO grown up! :0) Only my 14 year old has them so far...tragic ear piercing story on my 10 year old I'll tell you ANOTHER time! Lol

jennie said...

you are such a special person and have such a wonderful family it sounds like! It's so fun to hear a mom talk about her children with such love!

Lorraine said...

The first year of The Child's life I arranged it with my boss that I'd mostly work from home, with only a few hours a week in the ofice plus, if I had to, I could bring her in.

We did that for about a month and I was out. I needed to be with my baby. I've never regretted that decision, especially now that she's 13 and becoming all that and not needing me all the time and in the same ways. If I'd missed all those years before I'd be feeling so awful right now. I know that decision isn't for everyone and some people really don't have a choice (I was blessed that we didn't really need a second income). I don't judge those who don't stay home but I'm so thankful I was able to do so.

Sandy said...

Remembering their birth days is always so wonderful. One of my first assistants had just given birth and cried almost all the time when she came back to work. It was no surprise to me when she decided to quit and stay home. And forgive me Amy, but your blog was loading in pieces and your song looked like,"There Is A Reindeer." Now that I see the correct title, I'm going to check it out. ;-)

Amy said...

I will see if I can find it on YouTube. Looking forward to hearing THAT story!

And I love to hear about your little monkey!

I so totally understand. My entire cubicle was covered in pics of my sweet baby. I practically cried all the way to work. I'm better now. So I understand when they cry when we are apart.

My attorney wasn't surprised either! He was just upset because he wasn't able to find a good secretary! I went in on weekends for a while, but not for too long!

Reindeer. That's funny!

rosemary said...

I had no choice...I had to work after my kids were born...being an ancient one...I actually walked a paper route with 2 of my kids in a wagon.