Thursday, November 10, 2005


Top Ten Things To Do While Your Husband Is At Retreat

10.Sit in husband’s recliner and watch an old movie and eat popcorn
9.Go shopping
8.Catch up on your reading
7.Clean the house
6.Spend the day doing absolutely nothing
5.Let the kids stay up late one night (and to bed early the next!)
4.Sleep in the middle of the bed
3.Watch the O.C. (so I‘ve heard, I haven‘t actually seen this!)
2.Have 50-100 teenagers at your house for a party (This should only be attempted by a trained professional)
1.Blog! :-)


joannmski said...

Ooh, good ideas. Great blog entry.

11. Scrapbook the new haircuts
12. Dress up husband's dogs in funny clothes and take pictures of them
13. Sleep in late

nomi said...
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