Thursday, November 10, 2005


Top Ten Things To Do While Your Husband Is At Retreat

10.Sit in husband’s recliner and watch an old movie and eat popcorn
9.Go shopping
8.Catch up on your reading
7.Clean the house
6.Spend the day doing absolutely nothing
5.Let the kids stay up late one night (and to bed early the next!)
4.Sleep in the middle of the bed
3.Watch the O.C. (so I‘ve heard, I haven‘t actually seen this!)
2.Have 50-100 teenagers at your house for a party (This should only be attempted by a trained professional)
1.Blog! :-)

Scrapbook Pages That Should Never Be Made

AKA: Jessica, the 4 year old Beautician

I was in the kitchen assembling and putting potstickers in the oven. It was about 1:00 in the afternoon. Jessica wanted to go to the movies. But, we had to go to gymnastics at 3:30. She was brushing her hair, last I saw her. I finished up in the kitchen and was just about to go looking for her when, Rebekah comes out and announces that Jessica cut her hair. Keep in mind, she cut Rebekah's hair about 3 months ago and it has yet to grow back much. Rebekah still has a spot to the right of center in front that has a big chunk missing out of it. And I had to cut Rebekah's hair short in back to even it out because Jess had taken the scissors to it and whacked off all the curls (after putting detangler on it, of course).

I ran to my bathroom. There was hair all over the floor. Not that much, though. No blood anywhere. Thank God! Jess was hiding. She came out and I took one look at her and burst into tears. I couldn't believe it! She not only cut her bangs in front, to about 1/2 inch long at the shortest part, right in front, but also cut the sides of her hair to about an inch below the bottom of her ears. The back, about three inches across, remained intact. She looked like some kind of hare krishna. Or is it, hairy krishna? Anyway, it obviously needed some serious repair. I told her she looked awful, we couldn't get Christmas pictures done this year, cried, screamed, the whole deal. Go big. I did. I was so upset. I called Scott, I was okay until I started to tell him about it. I think he was more concerned because I was so upset. The night before, he was looking at Jess's beautiful hair and commenting on how pretty it looked, curled under, framing her face. It's all gone.

I took Jess to the beauty salon and, having never been to this salon before, I didn't know the beautician. The woman took one look at Jess and knew why we were there. I asked her if there was any way to do anything in the front that would look decent. She said no, it would just have to grow out. But that I could put a small clip in it or something. Have you ever tried to keep a clip in a very active four year old girl's hair? Not gonna happen. So, sometime next year, she will start to look like herself again. She's happy, she wanted to get the hair out of her eyes. It is nowhere near her eyes now. Not to worry. And she also wanted it short in the back so it would not get tangled. She won.

I shot a whole roll of film on what she did to herself and her sister for the scrapbook. Yes, she cut her sister's hair again. Only in the back, thank goodness, but it still had not grown out from the last time. I guess we will be putting all sharp objects in the safe. Good thing we have a rather large safe...I guess I will need to make a trip to the scrapbook store to buy some scissor stickers and such.