Saturday, November 05, 2005


I read something recently that really upset me. I am not the type of person to normally confront anyone, so I usually just let things go. In fact, I tend to clam up and not say anything about anything. This is why I haven't blogged in days. I was just sitting here getting frustrated. It really bothered me, and I am still dealing with this. I get very frustrated when assumptions are passed around like facts. There have been many times when someone will email me something urgent, "you need to send this to everyone you know". I will do a search on the internet to see if it is legit. So far, none of them have been. But if more people did this, we wouldn't have so many bogus emails flying around. It seems "everyone" is making up numbers and information to suit their own purposes. The government does this, too. "35,000 people per year die from the flu." Yeah, right. It isn't true. They pull that number out of their, well, you get the picture. The number is somewhere closer to 700 per year that die from the flu, or complications thereof. Everyone is up in arms over this avian flu. IT HAS NOT MUTATED to humans. There is a possibility that it MAY, but it is slight. So, why all the scare tactics?

Why do we feel we can pull information out of the air, make things up, etc. without getting the facts straight? Without the facts, it is just opinion and assumptions and, like belly buttons, everyone has one. What is the old saying about when you assume? Wouldn't it make more sense to do a little research before you start talking about something? Just a thought.

I guess I just got my frustrations out and let it go.


joannmski said...

Hmm. Not so good to just be frustrated. We don't want you to implode! Glad you let it out, isn't that what a blog is for?

glorygrl said...

my siter-in-law and her daughters have been passing the same tired missing girl/walmart hoax around for years. Can't tell you why this sort of thing facinates churchfolks so much...

alot like those emails that promise money for passing it on, like microsoft was ever paying out on that...