Friday, August 25, 2006

Habeus Corpus

Yes, Snuffy, that is what it means. Very good, you get an A. Apparently what it means is that the warden is in CONTROL of the body, holding him against his will. Supposedly unjustly. Well, they file these lawsuits when they are not being treated very well by the other prisoners. The other prisoners don't like rapists, child molesters, etc. So, when someone gets sent to prison, the other inmates ask for their "papers", meaning, they want to know what they are in for, so they know what type of person they are dealing with and how to treat him. Well, this guy is not being treated well and now figures he shouldn't have to be there. Well, I say tough noogies. You wouldn't be there if you hadn't been a lowlife scumbag, creepy voyeur...but I digress. Anyway, they try to find a loophole in the system somewhere and a reason why they shouldn't be there. In this case, I think the loophole he is looking for is that the police reports were incorrect. However, he pled guilty to all the counts against him, so there he sits. Right where he should be. Hopefully for a long time.

I have wasted so much time on this. And now I know more than I ever cared to about the prison system.

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