Wednesday, September 13, 2006

How We Occupied Ourselves During Retreat

On Thursday, Scott left early, not having heard that the time to meet was changed. So, I got up early with him and helped him pack. Dad was supposed to come out on Thursday morning to spend the day with us, but he had to head down to Sun Valley to work on a race car. He got to our house in the mid-afternoon. We had a nice time and he got to see Jessica's ballet/tap class. She is doing very well. She is enjoying the tap. We signed Rebekah up to do ballet again and she will start on Friday. She wants to do it this time. That lasted two weeks in March, but I think she will stick with it this time. I will have to take pictures. It is so cute.

So, after Jess' ballet lesson, we went to the grocery store and picked up some steaks for dinner. We didn't eat them. We went out for chinese food. The girls love chinese food. They also love japanese (Rebekah ate six california rolls the last time), mexican, italian, steak and just about everything else. I think Rebekah's favorite was the sweet and sour pork. And the little wontons they serve with sweet and sour sauce before the meal. Jess prefers the beef with broccoli and the fried shrimp. Anyway, we ate and then came home and watched The Iron Giant. Great movie. Dad had never seen it. Rebekah's favorite line, "I go. You stay. No following." It's so good!

So, we got them to bed at about 11:00pm and then the girls were waking Papa up at 7:00am. I got up and fixed oatmeal and then Dad got a call on his cell phone that they were having problems with the race car. It was leaking. And they were headed out to a car show or something, so it needed to be fixed. Nothing like being needed. So, he left and the girls were so sad! They couldn't wait for him to come back. We went to the library for storytime (every Friday) and then did some errands. He was gone for about three hours and met us at Costco later. Then we headed up to Frazier Park to stay Friday night up there. We made Prime Rib for dinner (rib eye steaks at Albertson's $3.87/lb - just ask them to cut one for you to whatever size, ours was 8 lbs.) That was yummy. The girls wanted more, more, more.

We had jello for dessert and then talked and played pool. Jessica was so tired she was asking to go to bed! How often does that happen? In the morning, we had German pancakes and sat on the front porch for a while. It was only about 75 degrees outside during the day. At night, we had the windows open and it got down to about 45 degrees, so I had to shut the windows. Such a problem to have! The girls didn't want to leave their Papa. So we stayed until about 4:00pm. We headed over to Gramma Alice's house for a family get together there. Got home at about 8:30pm and Bekah fell asleep on the way home. Kept 'em busy while Daddy was away so they wouldn't miss him too much. It seemed to work. They were VERY happy to see him, though, when we got home from Papa's house. A fun weekend. I missed Hubby though, and I was VERY happy to have him home.


joannmski said...

Geez Louise! I am exhausted reading that. What happened to sleeping in and staying in your pajamas?

Sounds like you did a great job occupying the kiddos!

Amy said...

You are kidding, right?