Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Star Trek

I started watching Star Trek Voyager when it first aired. I don't know what year. I watched it all the time. I have never before and never since watched a show as often. I would even record it when I wasn't home to see it. I missed the final episode.

I have been waiting all these years to see the final episode. I was not home the two times they showed it, what, about four or five years ago.

I never really got into the other Star Trek movies. Too predictable. Too something. Didn't like the old ones. For some reason, Voyager was it for me.

I watched the final episode last night. Then I watched it again. That little something that was missing is now gone. What a relief!

It was good, but also disappointing. Anticipation of what it would be like is over. Now I know. And I no longer have something to look forward to.

Thanks, Netflix.

1 comment:

Amy said...

That is exactly why I was intentionally vague. Enjoy!