Friday, July 21, 2006


The Christmas Song was written in July.

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Jack frost nipping at your nose
Yuletide carols being sung by a choir
And folks dressed up like Eskimos.

No wonder. It is so hot it makes me want to think of cool things and cool places so that maybe, somehow, I will feel cooler. Maybe we will watch the Santa Clause II today and eat icee's. Or stick my head in the freezer and dream about being in a blizzard. Or sit in the bathtub and pour ice cubes in it. It is hot. Yesterday we had a thunderstorm. The sky got dark grey and the thunder was LOUD! Scott drove home in the pouring rain. The lightning was so bad when Dad left, he couldn't even use the radio in the car. Okay, but it was also over a hundred degrees outside. That's disgusting. It should not be raining when it is that hot. The humidity is supposed to be worse back east and that is what is making their hot so much hotter than here. Well, does it get much worse than 100+ and RAINING!? It was awful. We were out running errands and it was like, get out of car, RUN into store, RUN back to car, drive to next place, RUN into store, etc. Miserable. My last SCE bill was $200. This month will be worse. Much worse. And I am forever turning the air off until I can't stand it anymore. Dad said he has never had an SCE bill higher than $75. Yeah, you suck. He is like the only person in his neighborhood that even HAS air conditioning, since you don't need it all that often.

The kids are doing fine. They don't mind the heat as much as I do. If you don't move and suck on ice water all day, it isn't so bad. But as soon as you get up and move, WHAM, you start dripping with sweat. I almost wish I was working in an office, so they could pay for the air conditioning. Maybe we should go someplace cool. Like Alaska. Cause if we go to the mall, I will just have to walk back out into the heat when we leave and I will be tempted to buy all the things they have there for sale. Plus, I have put off cleaning my house for so long that it looks like a hurricane hit it. No kidding. It's bad. Laundry and paperwork everywhere. Between the junk mail, the laundry and dirty dishes, I will never catch up on this stuff. It's my lot in life. It's not a lot, but it's my life. Actually, it is a lot. I have a lot to be thankful for. I really am thankful. I'm just hot.


Scott said...

Sorry babe that you're stuck in hotsville, I guess I shouldn't mention that the ladies in my office have little heaters at their desks because the A/C is just crankin' out the ice cubes...
I mean it is cold in here!
Hey, we get our power for nothin' sorry about that...

joannmski said...

It is so hot. And I am glad I worked at home today. The A/C in our building went out for an hour downtown. Yuck.