Thursday, August 17, 2006

Frogs and Caterpillars and Stink Bugs, Oh My!

I have bugs. I don't know if I should call the bug guy or not. The caterpillars are eating my passionflower vine and the toads got rid of all the daddylonglegs, but will the bug guy kill the caterpillars and the toads or just the bugs? The toads are babies of the original toad couple. They are hiding out in the grass in an old gopher hole. The gophers haven't showed up lately. None. But there is one hole in the grass that when I put the hose down it, it seems to go to China! The other ones are all linked together and when you put the hose down one of them, the toads pop their heads out. That's when I show them to the girls.

I don't know if my caterpillars are going to produce some ugly moths or some beautiful butterflies. I guess I will have to wait and see. They are not attractive. Black and red with poky things all over them. These are the things we played with as kids? You couldn't pay me to touch that thing! Eeewww! Jess wants to put one in her bug container so she can watch it grow. That might be a way to find out what kind of butterfly it turns into...

Found a spider in Rebekah's bed the other night. When Jess was gone. Good thing. Jess had nightmares of spiders in her bed for a while. At least we think it was a nightmare. She talked about a BIG spider crawling on her bed about a year ago. Well, I don't want creepy crawlies in the house. And the big huge ant hill in the back yard. If I put the poison out, they might shrink me and take me into their ant hill (a la The Ant Bully). What to do, what to do.


joannmski said...

I tried to post this before, but blogger wouldn't let me... grr...

Anyway, we have been on a trial special with Orkin after having braved the bugs for a long time. I have to say, I don't miss the black widow spiders hanging around! And we have had no ants this summer either.

Amy said...

Yeah! No more ants at the Mski house. Bug guys are wonderful.