Tuesday, August 08, 2006

One camping experience

We were supposed to spend two weeks at Carpinteria State Beach in our camper at the campsites there. There were two other families there that we knew. SO, we get up at 4:30 in the morning to leave, getting all the last stuff in the camper. I was sitting on the edge of my bed, getting dressed. I stood up and my knee popped out of place. I couldn't straighten it. At all. Severe pain, couldn't stand on it. This happened all throughout my teenage years, but I was always able to straighten it and it would "pop" back into place. Well, this time I couldn't. My parents helped me into the back of the camper, all the while I am hobbling on one foot. So, we get to Carpinteria and throughout the course of the day, I still could not straighten my leg. So my parents take me to the emergency room at Santa Barbara hospital. X-ray. Go to your regular doctor. Okay, so the next day, we go to West Hills. It took the dr. about 30 minutes to slowly straighten my leg out. Childbirth didn't hurt as bad as this. He said any longer and he would have admitted me to the hospital and put me in traction. So now I have this knee brace on my leg and a pair of crutches. Back to the beach. Have you ever tried to get into the back of a camper without bending or putting pressure on one leg? Next to impossible. I spent the next two weeks inside the camper. Keep in mind we were less than two hours away from home. I couldn't get outside by myself, though. And going to the bathroom in the camper toilet in the closet was less than fun. No showers. No getting out. Everyone else got to go out on the beach, have fun, etc. I was stuck in the camper-jail. I got out of the camper one time in two weeks. I don't have fond memories of camping.


glorygrl said...

2 days after my first husband left me (out of the blue) I found myself at LAX being picked up by my nephew and his wife. They drove me out to the marina where we were spending the 4th of July weekend. After being awake for almost 24 hours I found out that someone thought I was going to "sleep" on the back bench of my BIL's boat-out in the open. I had a nuclear meltdown and my sister kicked him out of the cabin so I could sleep.

Next day we headed out to Anna Cappa, not knowing that there was a small craft advisory posted. That particular BIL (not Joe) was an idiot, he nearly killed us all (Julie, kevin, nephew, wife, chris, me and himself) but the only real problem was my nephew's wife broke her nose in what would best be termed a tragic "moving bed" accident. After we got done at the emergency room, got some pizza, the victim passed out while smoking a ciggie outside the pizza place, we all returned to the marina to sleep in our cars and boat.

all this less than an hour from nice warm clean beds. what is so fun about camping?

Scott said...

That wasn't camping. Sleeping in your car is being homeless.