Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Tribute to a Wonderful Woman

To a friend who needs a little pick me up. You are amazing. You do everything. And you do it with a smile on your face. You took your whole family of six camping. And I know who did the washing, packing of clothes and food, organizing, staying up late to get finished the night before, unpacking, setting up, watching the kids, chasing the kids, making the kids sit so they don't run away, calling the kids when they run off, feeding the kids, putting sunscreen on the kids, holding the kids when they got boo-boos, cleaning the kids up when they played all day and got dirty. Yeah, and that is just the first day. You are loved and admired by those around you. And we are in awe of all that you do. You are totally different than our previous priest's wife. Different but equally amazing. Mother Betty was amazing. You are too. I don't know how you do it.

You, maam, truly are Mrs. Incredible. And even when things get you down, you hide it extremely well.

You work your butt off, have people at your house at all hours of the day and night, shlep kids around in your minivan and take teenage daughters to work and the mall. You work a full time job and take care of six at home, plus whoever shows up! You can whip up a great meal in a matter of minutes and everybody thinks it was all planned. Six pounds of ground beef to meatloaf for twenty in thirty minutes. You are Semper Gumby. Do you get thanked for it? They appreciate you, even if they don't show it. I bet they all learned to appreciate you even more when you were on bedrest for a few days, huh?

May I be so bold as to speak for the ladies of the church? We love you and we appreciate you! Keep it up. You are an inspiration to the rest of us. If other people don't appreciate all that you do, that is their problem. They aren't paying attention.

And, if you are crabby, you hide it VERY well.


joannmski said...

What a nice treat! Thank you so much. What can I say, I just do what I do. Aw, shucks, you are too kind. ;-)

glorygrl said...

not to mention that she spends her saturday nights putting together the chirch bulletin and getting it printed out while dealing with pre-, post laudate, putting small people to bed and wrangling livestock.

Amy said...

not to mention that she spends way too much time fighting with the Kinkos staff.