Monday, October 02, 2006

Is Gun Control The Answer?

Okay, I am going to get on my soapbox here. I just read about the school shooting in an Amish schoolhouse. Apparently the shooter was angry about something that happened twenty years ago and decided to take it out on some innocent Amish schoolgirls. They don't deserve to be shot!

SO, then I saw some comments posted about the shooting and the others from last week. Well, so many people are saying that these criminals should not have access to guns. That there should be more gun control. Yes to the first part, NO to the second!

How many criminals get their guns from a gun store, where they must go through the background check, basic firearms safety test, waiting period, etc.? None. Maybe a few. They get their guns on the streets. Stolen from somewhere else, bought from someone who sold it illegally. So, how many of these hundreds and thousands of gun laws are protecting the public from criminal access to guns? Very few. So, what is the purpose of all the gun laws? To keep law-abiding citizens from being able to carry guns. If there were more people allowed concealed-carry permits, there would be fewer gun-related crimes. No criminal wants to be shot dead while holding someone up. Or robbing a liquor store. He wants a victim that cannot defend himself.

This is such a sad story. I have visited the Amish community in PA. They are hard-working, friendly people who just want to go about their lives and not harm others. It is so horrible that an angry man had to take it out on these people. They don't deserve that. But to say that it is because he had access to guns, and that people should not be allowed to have guns is like saying that matches and fire should be banned because someone started a fire. Fire is good. Without it, we could not heat our homes, light our fireplaces and our candles and enjoy our backyard fire pits. But when it is used in a bad way, well, then it is not the fault of the fire. It is the fault of the person who used it carelessly and without concern for anyone but themselves.

Our country is divided. The right and the left. Who is right? Neither and both. Both sides have their beliefs and convictions. But without unity, without allowing the other side a choice, without having the right to live as we want to live, this country will not survive.

We need to pray for our country and our brothers and sisters in it. We need to remember what our founding fathers built this country on - a belief in GOD. We need to look out for each other and look to God to heal our wounds and give us peace.

When I was pregnant with Rebekah, the alarm went off in the house. At about 6:30am. Well, needless to say, I about jumped out of my skin. I grabbed the phone, called 911 and reported that my alarm went off and I thought someone was trying to break in. I also grabbed some protection. Well, I checked all the windows and doors, told Jess to stay put and waited. Twenty minutes later, the sheriffs called and said they were on their way, from the other side of town. Twenty five minutes after THAT (45 min. after I called) they showed up. Thank goodness it was not a real break-in, but an alarm malfunction. Had it been a real break-in and I was waiting for the sheriffs to come to my rescue, I would not have been there to answer their questions. They cannot protect you or your home or your children from someone intent on doing you harm. They just cannot be there in time. And there are at least half a dozen police, sheriffs and retired sheriffs in my immediate neighborhood. Big help. Be prepared to take care of yourself. Hopefully, you will never have the need. I hope I am never in a situation where I will need to protect my family. But I am prepared to do so. Be prepared. The criminals are.

1 comment:

joannmski said...

What is this world coming to?

I can't believe all the school shootings going on this week.

I'm sure none of them got their guns through the traditional, permit methods.

I'm sure everyone who tried to fight against them got their guns through the traditional, permit methods.