Monday, October 02, 2006


It is nice to have friends. Family is chosen for us. We choose our friends ourselves. Friends change as your life changes. When you are young and single, you "hang out" with friends that are in the same situation. Some you get together with just because you like to have fun together, some because you can talk to them.

When you get married, you choose different friends. Your single friend will not necessarily feel comfortable with you and your spouse. You move on. You don't lose that friend, but time and circumstances change relationships. Then come the babies. It is completely different to be married with kids than married without. That can change relationships again.

It is nice to find people that you click with. To have people that both you and your spouse get along with. That is so much easier and more relaxing than having "his" friends and "her" friends.

We spent the afternoon yesterday with some nice friends. People like us. But not too much like us, that would be wierd. A little different than all the other people that are out there. People you can relax with. People who just kind of think the way you do. It was nice. Good food. Good friends. A rain-puddly afternoon. A good time. I hope they had as enjoyable an afternoon as we did! :-)

1 comment:

glorygrl said...

we did ;>

p.s. herman says he's sorry.