Sunday, December 17, 2006


Scott calls me last night, from his instructors' house. He had his last class for the semester and they went over there to celebrate. So he calls me, to tell me the chili that Mrs. Father Victor made was great! He said I can make that one, that the recipe is on the back of the package. I tell him HE can make it. I'm done.

Isn't chili more of a guy thing anyway?



Anonymous said...

Tell Scott I said..."Chili this big guy"...and hold up a can of store brand canned stuff! I'd tell him it is going to be a bit "chilly" in the kitchen for a there, Scott!

joannmski said...

I think there is a movie like this in Japan...called tampopo...the search for the perfect ramen! You can put Scott on the search for the perfect chili...

Scott said...

Your dribble is possibly the most stupid thing I've ever heard.

Amy said...

Rosemary, don't mind him. He's all talk. But, seriously, where do you have the cameras hidden? He IS a big guy!

Anonymous said...

So I take it the kitchen is not only "chilly" it is dribbling with ice cubes. Scott, I am not a cook...ask my husband...good chili, bad chili, Swansen, Budget thankful for every home cooked meal you get! You did read the comment about canned, frozen and take out didn't you?

Anonymous said...

Trying to catch up on your blog - it's gonna take me a while. But it's great! Aren't kids the best? Who knew they were so much fun! Remind me to tell you the poop in the tub and the peeing on the dog stories because you have girls and I'm sure you haven't dealt with that stuff before.

My project at the moment: integrating Jesus' birth into the Santa and presents and reindeer hoo ha to a 2 year old. Right now he's thinking Jesus is in the sleigh, too.

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful Christmas...I am glad we have become blogger buddies.

Anonymous said...

Hey - email me so I can add you to the Bon Vivant Gourmet blog.