Friday, December 22, 2006

Women of Leisure

Yesterday, we got to be women of leisure. Me and the girls. We went to this beautiful mall with my aunt and she treated us to the best lunch I have had in a LOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG time. Beats Chuck E Cheese hands down. Beats mall food court food hands down. We went to the Cheesecake Factory! Yum! I used to live around the corner from the one in Woodland Hills, and when I did, I would get a Chinese Chicken Salad at least once a week and take it home. Soooo good! Well, of course, that is what I had. And the girls shared a Bistro Shrimp Pasta, which they didn't eat much of because they ate all the bread, and it took over an hour for our food to arrive. The kitchen was, apparently, working on a table for 28, so everyone else had to wait. So without crayons or anything to keep them busy, my girls sat and ate bread and had strawberry lemonade (Bekah) and raspberry lemonade (Jess) and they were really very good, for 5 and 3! We were at the restaurant for over two hours! And even though they didn't eat the Pasta, it is their Daddy's favorite, so he had that for dinner. And we all feasted on The BEST DESSERT EVER! Carrot Cake-Cheesecake. It is Delish! Should be outlawed. Better than cheesecake. Better than Carrot Cake. It is soooo good! Boy, did I feel spoiled. Now I know how the other half live. But, they don't have two cute little girls to keep them entertained! It was a wonderful visit and I enjoyed myself immensely. And since I hardly ate anything else all day, I managed to lose a pound in the process. So, I have figured out the Cheesecake Factory Diet. Yeah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope your holidays were and are you in 2007! Glad we became blogger friends.