Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Jess and Bekah

Today in the car.

Rebekah: "I spy with my little eye something blue..."
Jessica: "My eyes."
Rebekah: "Yes. I just love your beautiful eyes."

Can't get the inflection in the voices, but it was priceless. Every time we play I Spy, Rebekah's first one is blue - for Jessica's eyes. So cute. They have their moments. Then there are the other moments. Let's dwell on these ones for now though.


Anonymous said...

Moments like those are so incredible.

The Bear woke up at about 4 am this morning and when I went to check on him he told me that he wanted to "sleep in Daddy's bed." So I picked him up and took him back to bed with me. Once I laid him down, Daddy rolled over and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. He said, "I love you, Daddy."

I thought the big lug was gonna choke on the tears!

Amy said...

These are the things memories are made of...