Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Feeling a little better...

I don't feel like I am going to die now. That's good. Apparently I can't treat my body like I am nineteen anymore. Too bad. But I do feel a little better. Maybe it's the rest, or the 12000 mg of vitamin C I have taken today, or the astragalus, or the ibuprofen. Or a combination of all of them. Whatever it is, it's working. Thank goodness, because the hubby doesn't know what to do with me. He has never seen me sick before and isn't coping very well. Although he did help get dinner on the table (Campbell's chicken noodle soup) and served me my hot tea. And helped the girls get ready for bed. All this after working all day. What a good hubby! I sure hope I am back to normal pretty soon. I don't like feeling useless.

I sent off a package on Thursday to my Secret Fairy friend. I signed up for a parcel exchange a couple of weeks ago at the Society of Secret Fairies blog page here and sent out my handmade card and chocolate parcel. Along with a couple of other things I thought she would like. I don't actually know if I will be receiving a package from the same person I am sending to or if it is someone else. Kind of fun, though. I will be posting a picture of the package I receive when I get it. I can't wait! It is fun to buy a little present for someone and anticipate getting something in the mail. Some of the SOSF fairies are in other countries, mine is in the US. Other than that, I don't think I can say much yet. You all will just have to wait.

Have a wonderful day!


rosemary said...

I need a fairie to come and finish my wood project...I left out saw dust.....that's kind of like fairie dust...but she didn't come. You can be my secret fairie....i like cookies although I am not supposed to eat them...fairie cookies are cholesterol and fat free I think. I hope you feel better...I had to go to the doc's office.

Amy said...

I may have to. I am feeling worse again!

stefani said...

Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well.

I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely LOVE my package! Thank you so much!!!! The picture is just precious!