Thursday, February 08, 2007

Still Yucky

This is the cold from hell. I haven't slept for the last two nights. I am wheezing so much it wakes me up. Then I start coughing and hacking and I wake up The Hubby, too. Yesterday Mary dropped off three lemons so I could make her cold remedy. Lemon juice in a shotglass. Squeeze a clove of garlic in it and drink it down. Well, I didn't think about it last night after making dinner. But this morning after I got up I took this:

2 Sudafed caplets
1 AirBorne lozenge in a cup of water
1 shot glass of lemon juice with 1 clove of garlic

Anybody else have any suggestions? I certainly won't have any vampires after me, that's for sure! This thing is harder to kick than I thought, though. So far, the score is cold 2, Amy 0.

Oh yeah, and I haven't had any sugar or anything bad, either.


rosemary said...

I vote for the honey/lemon/booze too...really. DO NOT take a cough syrup that is a cough suppressant during the day...take plain robitussin all day long until you feel like you are going to barf...then you can take the one with DM in it before bed. I rub my chest with Vicks...I also sleep alone when I do that but is is soothing. Boil water and put your face in the steam or turn on the shower to hot and do the same. If you are wheezing you need to loosen that cough.

jennie said...

Hey! my Mom always gave me the lemon/honey/whiskey thing when I would wake up in the middle of the night coughing! My sister and I would hear her get up and just cry because we hated that stuff so much! At the time I didn't know what it was, but it sure worked!

rosemary said...

I hope you are feeling better...or at least you are too drunk to care.

Anonymous said...

I am just getting over something yucky myself. I hope you feel better soon!
I am in the Society of Secret Fairies too, so I will see you around, I'm sure!

joannmski said...

1. a big long shower
2. benadryl.
3. sleep.

stefani said...

Are you feeling any better?

I sure do hope so.

rosemary said...

Almost a week.....worrying.