Thursday, March 01, 2007

Heeeeeere Kitty kitty!

This should have been posted at 9am, however, blogger was being a butthead and wouldn't let me post. I kept getting error messages! But I'm not bitter...

No, he doesn't have a name yet. And he is going to be an indoor only kitty. Unless, of course, he pees in the bed. Just kidding. We lost two to coyotes and don't want to lose any more! He was very good yesterday and he is learning to not scratch on the furniture. We have a BIG cat tree, reaches almost to the ceiling. He was sleeping on the thing yesterday. It has a round enclosed area and he plopped himself in it, with his head sticking out the front and took a nap. The girls wore him out! Last night Dad spent the night because he was here all day and we decided it didn't make sense to drive home when everything would be frozen! So he left this morning after we made German pancakes.

The kitty sat on my lap for about an hour last night while we watched the food channel. Even Scott is getting into the food channel! He better not try to get in my kitchen! Just kidding, I like it when he helps in the kitchen. Something I like doing and doing it with someone I like. Anyway, while we watched Alton Brown, the kitty sat on me and purred and cleaned himself. He was very good. For a kitten, he is very calm. The kids tried to chase him out of the front room and he looks at them like, "What?" Not scared or spooked at all. Just kind of curious why they are yelling and waving their arms around. It's funny.

So far the only thing we've called him is "Kitty kitty". And that doesn't seem like the right name for a boy kitty. So we will have to confer on this one and come up with something that works. I have always liked Siatee (pronounced C-A-T), but that also sounds like a girls name. So, I don't know. Scott likes Edgar. I think that was it. How about Tommy. Any suggestions? Definitely open for suggestions.

The bed is working out fine. I didn't wake up in the middle of the night, which I used to do. I feel like I sink in and can curl up into a comfortable position. I sleep wierd, kinda twisted over, with one leg crossed over and bent on top of the straight one underneath. Hard to describe. Anyway, it is much more comfortable in this bed than the other one! And Hubby is happy. Much happier than he was in the Number bed. That was such a joke!

Gotta go. Have a great day!


Sandy said...

Hurry - hurry - hurry to check out Rosemary's blog - she has a cartoon that was written for you! New bed and kitty - it's perfect. Hope your kitten allows you to use the new bed.

joannmski said...

Yay for the bed! Boo for the kitty...OK, no a boo, but I will remember to bring Benadryl (for cat allergies) the next time we come over...

Stephanie said...

Hi, this is Steph, just wanted to say thanks for the support and u will be hearing from me more.....via Rosemary....

rosemary said...

Ok have you two turned into John and Yoko and are living in bed for the press???? Hello?? Are you there???? Did Scott get the comic I sent???? Is the kitty really a baby lion and making a bigger mess than anticipated???? Hello????

Sandy said...

I'm with Rosemsary - the bed can't be that comfortable, little tiny-teeny kitties are not much work, I know Scott and the girls are well trained - so? Forget finding Waldo - Where's Amy?