Friday, August 03, 2007

Bekah's First Big Boo-Boo

It was so sad. And she was having such a good day, too. We were swimming at my friend's house. The girls were in the pool. My friend and I were under the patio umbrella, nursing our sunburns from the last visit. (Don't ask. It was really ugly and I am still licking my wounds, so to speak.) So Rebekah is on the "sand beach" portion of the pool. It is built like a beach and the edge gradually gets deeper, like a beach. But it is made out of like concrete pebbles or something. Very cool. Anyway, so she is in like VERY shallow water. She is yelling at the dog, who is standing on the rock at the side of the pool right next to her. As we are watching, the dog jumps on her. Good sized dog, too. It is an australian sheepdog mix. Very smart. Very protective and watches the girls when they are in the pool. Well, he jumps on her back and she goes face down into the pool. About two inches of water. When she lifts her head up, her nose is bleeding and her forehead had hit the concrete beach. Hard. It immediately started swelling and turning red. Like you could see the veins showing through, red. With the addition of the water to the blood, it appears that she is bleeding like crazy, but it actually stopped after about five minutes. I took her to the doctor's office, since we were only ten minutes from there. I had to watch her closely last night, however, she was fine. No complaining, no headache, no nothing. She is a trooper. She was nervous and everybody who looked at her had this concerned and worried look and said, "ooooohh!" But she was fine. Is fine. She did very well. Not her fault and she wasn't really upset with the dog, either. She knows he didn't try to hurt her.

So last night her daddy took all of us to Coldstone Creamery. So she could get whatever she wanted. She ordered Sweet Cream...with chocolate chips. She said that was the best. She is so down to earth! Not much fazes this kid. She is such a joy in my life!


joannmski said...

Yikes, poor baby!! Hope she is feeling better.

Sandy said...

Our son was almost hysterical when his boy had the first big boo-boo! You are such a good mom - kisses to you all! And smart dad - ice-cream is a great antidote for whatever ails.