Friday, August 03, 2007


Driving in the car a couple of days ago. Out of the blue, she says, "Okay, let me get this straight, your Daddy is OUR Papa?"

Let me get this straight? Who talks like that? At four? Sometimes, she just blows me away.

And please do scroll down. I posted three posts tonight. I am trying to catch up.


Sandy said...

"Well, your two aren't exactly typical" said someone who knows and loves them - me. Glad you're writing these sweet things down so we can all enjoy them!

jennie said...

you have the smartest most intelligent little girls!

rosemary said...

Cute, cute, smart. Hope Bekah feel cream make everything at least a little better. I got a pimple from reading about all of that chocolate.

Sandy said...

Ahem - trying to catch up? Do you know you're behind again? ;-)