Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hangin' Out With Dear Ol' Dad aka The Golden Years

So, Monday night at about 6:30pm I get a call from Dad. He said he had left a message earlier, but I missed it. He said about a week ago he woke up and his vision was blurry in his left eye and the lower half of his vision was gray. He couldn't read small print. And he's getting frustrated. So on Tuesday morning I call my optometrist and try to schedule an appt. Booked up until Saturday. Can you refer me? Yes, to an ophthalmologist. Cool. Even better. They can get us in on Tuesday afternoon. Call Dad. Come on down! So he comes out to our house and we go to lunch and then to his appt. Apparently there is some type of blockage in the blood vessel behind the eye and the doc wants to run some tests. About six different blood tests. And he refers him to a specialist that can see him on Wednesday. Good. Let's get this figured out. So Dad spends the night with us on Tuesday night and on Wed. we go to see the specialist. Turns out it was possibly caused by something like a small stroke, possibly caused by his blood pressure being slightly elevated and this dr. wants to see him in a month. Time for Dad to get to the doctor and find out where his numbers are and run some more tests. He does not have a primary care doctor. Hasn't been to the doctor in several years. Now he needs to go. Another guy in the waiting room with the same problem, "Well, these are the golden years!" Dad got a kick out of that one. He is very healthy and just needs to know where he is at.

His vision is coming back. Yesterday morning he said it was already a little bit better than it had been. That's good, since they said it could take up to a few years for the vision to come back.

The girls had a great time with their Papa. They love having him over. The only trouble is that he has such a hard time hearing that when he watches tv at our house, it is painfully loud for the rest of us! But hey, if that's the worst thing, then we are doing okay.

I was glad I could help. Dad left on Wed. with a sense that at least he knew what it was and what to do about it. I wanted him to get in to see these doctors as soon as possible so that he wouldn't have to wait and wonder. So I was glad he was able to get it done in two days. I am sure he will be just fine. And I was glad he felt that he could come to me and ask for my help.

Next thing we need to work on is hearing aids.



rosemary said...

Keep on him.. If he hasn't seen his doc in a few years and this gets better soon, then he will think he is fine. There is a reason they call HBP the silent killer.

jennie said...

I feel like I am constantly on my Dad to see the doctor, just for normal check-ups, glad this is all working out.

I've tagged you for "the middle name game" that I was tagged into! check out my blog entry for details! :)