Friday, September 28, 2007

Sleepy Time

Was just catching up on Lorraine's blog and she has had SO much going on, with birthday parties, house guests and such. Makes me tired just reading about it! And MY life hasn't been exactly quiet lately. So her most recent entry is about sleeping, which I can totally get on with. Right there with you. Never get enough of it. My sleep schedule lately is:

IN bed by 8:45pm, reading and rubbing Hubby's back
10:30pm lights out
3:45am up with Hubby to make lunch and say goodbye
4:30am check email, check blogs, etc.
5:30-6am either go back to sleep for two hours or kids wake up and we all stay up (more likely)

That's it. All broken up. I got more sleep when the kids were babies! Jess got up yesterday at 4:30am and was in bed by 8:30pm. That's a long day for a six year old! And she got up this morning at 5:30! Whew! The kid doesn't need much sleep. She's got more energy than three kids her age!

Then I was at the Cows website. This fantastic ice cream place in Canada. We were at the one near Vancouver when we were there several years ago and I have ordered things off their website a couple of times. They have the most hilarious t-shirts and things. All cow-related. Which I love. Love the cows. Stuffed animal cows. Cow t-shirts. Anything with cows on it. I have this shirt, not from there, but from a dairy in Arizona.
Front: Cow's Dairy
Back: See Udder Side

The Hubby refused to let me wear it when I was nursing. I love it.

Anyway, at you can get anything with cows on it. Funny stuff. A couple of the images are at the top. Cute stuff. I love everything they have! Magnets, stuffed cows. It's all good. The one that made me think of sleepy time says, "Pasture Bedtime". On the pj's for kids. Too cute. And they don't get why that's funny.

Gotta go. Taking Bekah to the doctor this morning for her staple removal. So, if anybody has any warm wishes for her, I will pass them along. She might just need a cow to hold.


Steph C. said...

Hey there- Let us know how Bekah's staples go, poor thing!
I finally make it over here to take a peek around and what do I find? A fellow cow collector! Actually, I've had to give it up as I had over run the house with the little moo-heads. :0) Plus, I hail from CA! Born in San Luis Obispo and have my entire extended family all over CA. CA is the only place I have ever felt "home". That was my pastor's wife who left the anti-math-u-see comment. Lol Funny she never mentioned that to me! Lol
Our church circle tends to run in the classical method of teaching which is def. NOT us. We do an emphasis on foundational building. (Math-U-See teaches concepts using manipulatives for the concrete learning first and THEN expects the abstract on paper) A teach-build-write concept.
Memorizing facts without understanding concept seems wasteful to me. Like teaching scripture memorization without teaching what it means or how to apply it. But I digress...I would check out a MUS demo if you can find one online. I think you may find it engaging at the very least. We also do a LOT of literature based learning, character training and homeskills... a lot less of a "Formal" style...
See you in the blogging world! Be blessed!

Steph C. said...

P.S. You inspired me to learn how to and then post my favorite youtube video. I don't ever get ON youtube (who has the time with all these BLOGS to read! Lol Someone sent it to me) Jump over to mine and check it out. Hilarious.

Sandy said...

Hugs and kisses Bekah. I heard you were so brave and you even got your ears pierced today. Won't it be fun to wear earrings? Love you lots!

Amy said...

Hey Steph,
So glad I could inspire you!

That was laugh out loud funny and I couldn't because the whole house is asleep!

Steph and Sandy,

She was SO brave and so sweet! Such a little doll!

rosemary said...

OK, how did I miss the birthday/crash blog??? Belated wishes to you and happy staple removal to Bekah. I love the new look of your blog....really cheery colors....can we expect a pix of Buddy some time soon? My kittens are eager to meet him.

Steph C. said...

Hey, you're getting behind! Blog something! :0) I keep checking...

Sandy said...

Oh, pooh! I wanted to stuff the ballot box but it will only let me vote once. How fair is that??

Lorraine said...

Ah, sleep. I think I'll go take a nap right now.

Amy said...

Sorry, Rosie, I need to find the camera (here's me feeling sheepish). I know it is around here somewhere!

Steph, I am all caught up now!

Sandy, I know! I wish you could. Nobody else is voting!

Lorraine, I am so right there with you but you have a party to go to!