Monday, March 10, 2008

Homeschooling in California

For all of you who homeschool, and for those of you who don't, but believe that the right to homeschool should be available to you, please sign the petition at the HSLDA website:

The California courts have decided that homeschooling is illegal in California unless a parent is a teacher. Governor Schwarzenegger believes this is a ridiculous ruling. So do the rest of us. Please sign the petition to protect our right to homeschool!


rosemary said...

Sure wish I lived in Calif....this is one I would sign for sure.

jennie said...

thanks for stopping by my blog! Glad to hear from you, and I don't know what normal is, but that is the spice of life isn't it? hahaha

My nephew is the cutest thing ever, walking/running all over the place, starting to talk, lots of fun!! Thanks for asking!! He will be 1 year old next week!!! can you believe it!

Also, been reading Rosemary's blog (hope Rosemary doesn't mind!) but I just love all her stories and everything that is going on there. and wish her a ton of luck!

Sandy said...

Amy, if three comments mysteriously show up it's because they're just not sticking! I've tagged you to a six word memoir - rules on my blog! Hope this comment sticks - my other two were much more brilliant!