Sunday, February 05, 2006

She's Done!

Rebekah is officially out of diapers. Yeah! What a good girl. It wasn't as painful as I thought it would be. She was exactly the same age as Jessica was when she finished. Two months before she turned three. Day, night, everything. Well, Rebekah, having been in underwear for about a week and a half now, was the same age as Jess at the time. Yeah! No more diapers. Only, brilliant me, thinking it was going to be quite some time before she was completely through, bought all these pullups. Like the big box from Costco and two packs from Toys R Us (with discounts and coupons, of course). Well, now, she has not had a wet pullup in like a week and a half and I am re-thinking this whole plan ahead strategy. Seems like a waste of about forty bucks now. BUT, on the bright side, I definitely won't be buying any more!

Rebekah got to pick out a barbie from Toys R Us and she got dinner on the celebrate plate. When her Daddy asked her why, she said, "Cause I'm potty trained!" She was very excited.

Now where did I put that list of all the things we could do with the pullup money...


joannmski said...

Woo hoo! Congratulations! What a big girl. Nadia has just started describing to us when she uses the pullup, and describing it as "chocolate"... and believe me, it is not chocolate.

Jewels said...

Kyle did not potty train until he was three and a half. He was tough. Blake has just started, we're a week and a half in. He has the most trouble at night. (sigh) I am hoping by his third birthday to be done. Boys are slower than girls as I have seen thus far. I have two and a half months left. Send the Pull Ups to Joann, it sounds like she will need them.