Sunday, February 05, 2006

Six More Weeks?

Six more weeks of winter? Well, okay, but if we have to have em, let's have some good winter weather. We haven't had any rain to speak of, no snow, no fantastic thunderstorms, well, there was one, but really not too much except really cold. I want some weather! Like the torrential downpours of last year, when I was glad my car was higher up off the ground. Like when you can't tell how deep the puddle is you are driving through. Real puddles, that look like little lakes. Not piddles. Rain, like when all the streets around here were flooded and the gutters turn into rivers. And all the newly graded subdivisions have to re-grade because the lots have fallen downhill. Rain, the kind that makes the plants grow like crazy! And lightning, so at three a.m. I can look out over the entire valley and see huge flashes light up the night sky from one end to the other. Huge bolts of electricity that go straight down from the clouds and pop the transformers and make everything go black in a huge part of the valley until it cycles and the lights come on again.

Yeah, I am looking forward to spring, but I want to see some good winter weather first!

1 comment:

joannmski said...

I am for any kind of weather except for hot! That is not my fave.