Thursday, September 28, 2006

Fire Update

The conditions today are not good. Dad was going to leave last night about 6pm and we talked him in to staying until morning. That was not hard to do. He didn't put up a fight. He just left about a half hour ago, after making german pancakes for the girls. We measured out the ingredients so I will post the recipe later. The girls were VERY happy. That made their papa happy. And they didn't want him to leave. Rebekah asked if he was going to stay here forever. Dad's friend called from Tucson. He used to work for Dad, like 25 years ago, and he still calls Dad to ask questions about Porsche repair. He has his own shop, but still calls Dad at least once a week. Anyway, Dad and I were talking about Chuck calling. Rebekah says, "WHO is Chuck?" So I told her he is a friend of Papa's who calls Papa because Papa is smart. Rebekah's response: "Well, I'm smart. Is he going to call me?" Dad had a good laugh about that.

He left the animals here. He is going to come back tonight. The firefighters were there yesterday assessing the houses up in the area to determine what would need to be done in the event they had to come back up there to fight the blaze. That means they are preparing. The humidity is less than ten percent and the winds will be heading northwest, straight toward Dad's house, at 6-15mph with gusts up to 25mph. Very erratic and unpredictable. Red flag warning for fires. Evacuation order still in place.

Keep him in your prayers. Dad was saying that it would be easier just to go and be with Mom. He only talks like that when he feels thoroughly defeated. Which he does right now. He said he can't live like this for the next two weeks. So, he will stay here until the danger is passed and I can keep an eye on him.

1 comment:

joannmski said...

Yikes. Dick has had a tough year and a half - loss of wife, and now his home threatened. We are praying for him. I'm so glad you are keeping him in the nest.