Saturday, September 30, 2006

A Wrinkle In Time

As a kid, I was a voracious reader. I would read anything and everything. I would read in bed before it was time to go to bed and after I went to bed with a flashlight under the covers. I would read until I was done with the book and then start another one. Never had a problem with book reports. I would read the book several times, if it was a good one. I read Little Women and loved it. So I got Little Men, Jo's Boys and about 4 other books by Louisa Mae Alcott. I couldn't put the books down! One book I read was A Wrinkle In Time. Great story. Well, let's say, for the sake of argument, the book was 300 pages. Well, I read the first 270 pages or so as quickly as I could. Read it right through. Then, I turned the page. Page 271 was Page 1, Chapter 1. Then page two, page three. It just started over. The book was messed up. It didn't have an ending. The last 30 pages of the book were missing. I never finished the book. That was frustrating for so long and then, eventually, I forgot about it. Same thing happened with Star Trek: Voyager. I never got to see the last episode. Until it came out on video and I had Netflix. Well, at the library yesterday, I found the Disney movie, "A Wrinkle In Time". It apparently came out in 2004. I never knew! Now I have closed that chapter of my life. What a relief! Now I don't have to wonder what happened at the end of the book!


joannmski said...

You know, for some reason, I have never read A Wrinkle In Time. I used to love EVERYTHING by Louisa May Alcott though!

glorygrl said...

I read almost every Madeleine L'engle book written for young adults (most are out of print now) and a few of her adult novels as well (some topics there are difficult and only of interest to those people who remain in the Episcopal Church USA).

Wrinkle in time is my favorite kind of a cool mix of intellect and faith and real imagination. But the really neat thing with the YA books is that some of the characters pop-up in other books, and at different ages--as they grow up. It's truly great stuff.

when the girls get older the series that starts with Wrinkle is a great family read. Most chapters are real page turners.