Saturday, September 02, 2006

Goodbye, pets!

Well, we let the caterpillars out of their bug condo this morning. We had three of them in captivity for several days. Long enough to watch them, study them, etc. None of them cocooned, but that's okay. I think I know what they turn into.

I let them out on the same plant they came from. And while I was out there, this beautiful dark orange and black butterfly was flying all around Bekah and me. It got very close to us, landed on two plants very near us and stayed long enough for us to get a really good look at it. I think that our dark reddish and black caterpillars turn into this same butterfly. I saw the same type not too long ago as well. So, I will leave them alone. They can eat my passion flower vine. It is doing well anyway.

Be free butterflies!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Hi there - just popping over to say hello and that I was stunned my little made up story was so very close to what you have already lived. What a heart break you all had to live with. Maybe I will write it after all.

Oh, and, be free butterflies!