Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Mall

Okay, I need to gripe and complain. I went to the mall today. Ordinarily, the mall is not a bad place to be. Throw in two young girls who want to look at everything and it gets more interesting. Throw in all the Christmas decorations to look at and touch and it becomes even more so. I can handle all of that. What I cannot handle is the extra kiosks that are all over the main thruways and the pushy salespeople trying to pawn their wares to every person who walks by. They are so aggressive! This guy was selling fake snow. Add water and it turns into snow. Well, he wanted $24.95 per box. I told him I didn't have time, I didn't have the money to spend, etc. He tried to give some in a bag to Rebekah and then put the box in the bag so I would have to pay for it. Tried to get me to buy it for $18.00. Such a bargain! NO! Finally, I just said no! I don't have the money to spend on it. But it's only $18! NO! Then I had to take it out of Rebekah's hands and give it back to him. So she wasn't happy. Oh well, by then I was ticked! Doesn't make we want to go back to the mall!


glorygrl said...

My husband and I have a pledge not to go to the mall after thanksgiving.

I made a trip to the Simi mall and was attacked by the snow guy too. The only way is to avoid eye contact, say no and keep walking--which is probably not as easy with 2 other slowpokes. The snow guy even hit me a second time on the way back. Nervy.

shop online.

joannmski said...

I think you can get anything a person ever wanted at Target. No one accosts you there.