Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Today I am Thankful For...

My mother-in-law. Who watched the kids for me yesterday so I could go to the doctor. So I didn't have to explain to the kids at this age what the dr. was doing. AND she put the kids to work and straightened up my family room and kitchen! I'm going to have her over more often! What could I do nice for my m-i-l that wouldn't cost a lot? Any ideas?


Jewels said...

At Wal Mart, Target and Staples you can make a calendar with photo snapshots of the family and the girls, just take the photos or disk or memory card. It's like 5-8 dollars. You could also bake pumpkin bread or cranberry bread or send a casserole.

rosemary said...

UMM...show her how to use your vacuum? Let her take care of the girls every week for three hours? Have your husband fix sonething at her house and then let her fix him dinner? I just can't think of any other really good gifts right now.

Amy said...

Jewels - Thanks, very good ideas. I actually have some bananas to make banana bread with, so that is a possibility...

Rosemary - I like the second one. What would I do with myself?