Wednesday, August 02, 2006

And now, what you have all been waiting for...

Disney trivia! I know all of you out there who don't comment on the blog are just dying of curiousity, so I won't keep you waiting a moment longer. Well, maybe another minute.....................................................................

okay. Here it is.

The true ones.

A private club does exist in New Orleans Square. It costs an arm and a leg to join.
Several guests have been killed on Disneyland attractions. Nine to be exact. Six of them were teenage males doing things that teenage males do because they think they are impervious to the effects of mortality.
A cast member was killed on America Sings.One wall moved, the other didn't. Neither did she.
A young girl died while riding Body Wars at EPCOT.
Disneyland used to deny admission to long-haired male guests. And facial hair. And females were turned away for wearing halter tops.
Krushchev was denied permission to visit Disneyland. But not by Disney. His security could not be guaranteed.
Matterhorn mountain houses a basketball court. To give the cast members who climb the mountain something to do in inclement weather.
Women do bare their breasts for the camera on Splash Mtn. And if they think only the people selling the pics are going to see them, they would be mighty surprised to find out they are posted on the internet!

Now wasn't that fun?

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