Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Useful Sites

What do all of these sites have in common? Well, when you get an email and you don't know if it is true or not, you can look it up before sending something stupid to all your friends. And I have to agree with another blogger I found. That any Christian who sends an email purporting to send you good luck, or bad luck, if you don't send it, well, then, you are not using the brain that God gave you. There's no such thing as luck. Good or bad. So, before you send it, look it up. has the best list of emails that have been forwarded. It is fun to go through and find emails that have been sent to you and see them on there. Some of the missing persons emails that get passed around ARE real, so it is a good idea to check before you forward it! Be smart, check it out!

I saw a picture posted in the AV Press two Sundays ago of a girl with all the pull tabs she had collected for minutes of chemotherapy. She will be very disappointed, and the newspaper is going to feel very foolish, for doing so. It is only a myth. So, if you have forwarded any of these, don't feel bad, others, including newspapers, have, too.

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