Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Current temp: 64 degrees

How cool is that? Literally. Yeah, it is 6am and 64 degrees. I didn't use the air conditioner at all yesterday. It never got over 78 in the house.

The girls are both up. Jess was awake when Scott got up and Bekah got up before he left. They are watching cartoons. They aren't supposed to be up yet, but I guess now would be a good time to get them on an earlier schedule. Early to bed, early to rise, or sleep in late and take a nap. I have to take Scott's car to get the maintenance done on it today, anyway. So we have to leave pretty soon. At least it isn't hot out. Maybe I will bake today.

Rebekah just looked out the window and announced, "It is morning now! Look, Mommy, it is morning now!" Jess, who has done this before, was like, "Yeah." Rebekah has never seen the sun come up before. Now, if you think about it, it really is amazing. That it comes up at the designated time every morning. The earth and sun move at the exact right time that they are supposed to. Every day. For thousands of years.

Scott was showing the girls a paper cup last night. "This is what people make. God makes things like flowers, people, what do you think is more difficult?" I had to add that, not only does He make flowers, but they start out this . big as seeds, and then the entire flower is grown out of that. Exactly the way it is supposed to look. The same way, every time. So, the entire instruction manual for the flower, tree, etc. is in a package that is this . big. Amazing. God is amazing. Whenever we think we have it all figured out, just take a look around. Or start counting the hairs on your head. He knows how many there are. And that number changes every day!

Have you ever seen the passionflower? It is amazingly beautiful. The name Passionflower refers to the passion of Christ: the 3 stamens represent his wounds, and the 12 petals represent the apostles. Passion fruit is sweet and aromatic, in fact, the fruit is used in Hawaiian Punch for flavor.

I have one in my front yard. Every time I look at this flower, I am amazed that God made these beautiful, intricate flowers. And everything else. Take a look around and think about all He has made. And enjoy this reprieve from the heat. It is August, it will heat up again. But, we are assured that the cool will come again. Isn't God great?

1 comment:

jennie said...

you have a really great blog. Since you checked mine out, I checked out yours, and it is so fun! You are a very inspirational person, thank you for your posts. Have a great day!

The Disney trivia was fun too!