Thursday, October 20, 2005

Oh, how He takes care of me!

Yesterday, I was driving down Sierra Highway and the driver in front of me slammed on her brakes because an ambulance, lights flashing, was waiting to turn left into traffic in front of us. Well, what she failed to realize was that the rest of the cars, going about 55 miles an hour, did not see the ambulance OR her. I slammed on my brakes and just before I ran into her rear end, I checked the side view mirror and veered around her, while the car that had been behind me, tires screeching, smoke flying came probably within inches of her bumper. Right where my car would have been. Thank you God, for helping me to act calmly and allow just enough room for me to squeeze over into the other lane.

I was reminded of the time I saw my angel. I was driving on the 5 North where it merges with the 405 at Roxford. Going 65 mph, I notice all the cars in front of me swerving out of the lane I am in. Then, right in front of me, a car is stopped with its emergency lights flashing. Middle lane, nowhere to go. I slammed on my brakes. I felt the impact. My head jolted forward. But instead of seeing twisted metal, broken glass, etc., I saw my angel, standing between my car and the stopped car. He was HUGE! Dressed all in white. And, at the time, even though I was not in the right place with God, I knew He was protecting me and keeping me safe.

Today, my dad came over and we were going to do some errands. We stalled longer than we should have at home before leaving, getting shoes on the girls, talking, etc. Well, we made a list of all we were going to do today and first on the list was going to the bank. When we got there, we saw two Sheriff's cars parked there, one in the driveway, one parked on the street. I said, "Well, maybe it is their payday!"

We all piled out of the car and walked to the door and the lady at the ATM said the bank was closed. Hmm, there is another branch nearby, so we climbed back in the car. As we were pulling out, a newsvan pulled up and a guy with a newscamera got out and started getting ready to start filming. An undercover police vehicle also pulled up and parked in front. I rolled down my window and asked the news guy what happened. He said the bank had just been robbed.

Had we been on time and not running around trying to get ready, had we not made our list of things to do, had it not taken a few minutes to clear the junk off my passenger seat, had it not been for the GRACE OF GOD, we would most likely have been there at the time all of this was happening. God is protecting me. God is protecting my children. Thank you, Lord, for all that you do for us. For loving us and protecting us, even when we don't realize what You are doing at the time. Thank you for keeping us safe.

As it turns out, the bank robbers GOT THERE at 12:45. We got to the bank at 1:05. It was only minutes after they left that we got there. Thank you God, for your protection.

About 9 years ago, a guy broke into my apartment while I was sleeping. He didn't harm me physically, but he was not there to steal. According to the Santa Clarita Sheriff, "This kind of thing doesn't happen in Santa Clarita." It did. Six months later, he was sentenced to 28 years for sexual crimes he committed against another woman in the complex. Well, even though I wasn't right with God at the time, He protected me. From a crazed lunatic who Satan was using for his purposes. My life is in God's hands. He will protect me from evil and harm.

Several months ago, I began having nightmares. I would see demons outside my bedroom window. They were looking in through the window, and they were ugly!!! Really scary. Scott and I started praying, Father Jim prayed for me. After that I envisioned a canopy, if you will, over our entire property, with angels sitting on the tops of the fence posts watching the property and I saw the demon being pulled away from the window up into the sky above the canopy. The demon couldn't reach me because of God's covering over me and my house. Thank you God! They are real, they are present. But with God's protection, they cannot harm us.

I thank the Lord that in some subtle and some not so subtle ways, He lets me know that He is watching over me and my life.


joannmski said...

That is awesome. God protecting his beloved!

Sinnersaint said...

Scott mentioned the nightly prayer but, I did not know about the visions and canopy, very cool!