Monday, October 17, 2005

So, what is that on the floor?

Jessica's question. I look down to find this white stuff, a little wet, shiny, like little tiny...too hard to describe. I pick it up and then look about 5 inches away at another little clump. Then, a few inches away, some more. What in the world? OH! It's that stuff that diapers turn into when they are soaked and there's a hole in it somewhere and this stuff that looks like it is not of this world ends up all over the place. My second child is two and a half. Up until last Christmas I didn't use disposables except when we were out of the house. So, I am still not that familiar with what they do. Well, apparently this is what they do. "*!@#*! diapers! Rebekah, where's the hole in your diaper? Jess, is this ALL the way down the hall and around the corner, or just here, in this room?" Welcome to my life.

We were reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears recently. I said to Jessica, "Wow, it wasn't very nice of Goldilocks to just walk in to someone's house when she didn't know them, was it?" Her response, without even skipping a beat, "She must have thought it was a model."

Today is my sister's birthday. 39. Wow, that used to seem so OLD! Okay, it still does. But, I am 36 and I guess I am getting old, too. But she will always be three years older...

It is raining outside. For anyone who has lived in the desert, the weather is very different here than where I grew up in the San Fernando Valley. We get these amazing electrical storms and from my dining room window, I can see the entire north end of the Antelope Valley. It is really beautiful to sit and watch the bolts of lightning lighting up the sky, one after the other. And the thunder, especially when it is right overhead. My God is an awesome God!

It is 3:30 in the morning. Why am I up? Couldn't sleep. I seem to do this every other night. One night I wake up in the middle of the night, the next night I sleep until Jess comes in, kisses me awake and says, "Mommy! Get up! I'm SOOOOOOO hungry!" So, I go out, turn on Noggin for her, pour some frosted flakes and milk in a bowl and groggily wander back off to bed. Which is when Rebekah comes meandering in, grinning from ear to ear, looking like she did something wrong. So, okay, I will catch up on sleep the next night.

1 comment:

glorygrl said...

Yeah! you didn't tell me you started too...