Friday, December 15, 2006

Bed Day something

I guess I am one of those not totally enamored with this bed. I am pretty sure we are going to keep it. It just doesn't seem like much of a bargain. I don't know if the pump mechanism is going to last the twenty years that it is supposedly guaranteed to. But it is a sliding scale guarantee. If it breaks 15 years into the 20-year guarantee, you only get 25% of your purchase price refunded. Something like that.

SO, if I write sleep number bed a whole bunch of times, then when someone does a search for the sleep number bed, my blog should come up on the search engine, right? Okay, sleep number bed, sleep number bed, sleep number bed. Let's see if it works!

On a scale of one to ten, I would probably give it a 6 or so. At least at this point. Maybe when I get it figured out, I will be happier with it. Not yet. I slept at 80 for most of the night (pretty firm) and I slept on my side, but I went back to sleep after Scott left and put it down to like 45 while on my back and it was okay. Maybe I just need to adjust it depending on which position I sleep in.

1 comment:

joannmski said...

Maybe you need to add a pillow to your back or between the knees. That makes a bed go from good to great for me.