Thursday, December 14, 2006

Dead or Alive

Saw this quiz and thought you might enjoy. Will post answers tomorrow on comments.

Famous people. Are they dead or alive?

Jack Palance
Lauren Bacall
Martin Landau
Shelley Winters
Gene Wilder
Don Knotts
Kirk Douglas
Glenn Ford
Red Buttons
Maureen Stapleton


Scott said...

all dead

Anonymous said...

dead, alive, dead, dead, alive, dead, alive, dead, dead, dead...I think

Amy said...

Rosemary, you only got one wrong! You get an A. It's all that reading you do, isn't it? :-)

Jack Palance - dead
Lauren Bacall - alive
Martin Landau - alive
Shelley Winters - dead
Gene Wilder - alive
Don Knotts - dead
Kirk Douglas - alive
Glenn Ford - dead
Red Buttons - dead
Maureen Stapleton - dead

But think about it. How funny is it that someone could be alive and everybody THINKS they are dead and then when they die, everybody is surprised because they thought that person was ALREADY dead? Wierd. Perfect reason for sending out that letter to everyone at Christmas time, huh?