Tuesday, December 12, 2006

tiny blessings

So, a friend is having a baby tomorrow. Another in January and another in March. Babies everywhere! I am so happy for them. Got to see all the tiny little clothes and jammies and caps and things. So cute!!! I love babies. My own, other people's, it doesn't matter. They are adorable. Those tiny hands and bitty feet. When they stick out their little tiny tongues! Everything is so small! Yet perfect. God is amazing. Something so small and helpless, but perfectly formed. Tiny blessings from God. Every child is a precious gift. Pure innocence and peace. A whole lifetime ahead of them! Who knows what lies ahead. A complete, blank canvas. Sitting in the back pew the other day. Put a hand out to give Noah a high-five and he comes over and places his hand, ever so deliberately on top of yours. Then he pulls away and looks at you, with those perfect little brows furrowed. Watching. So serious. So adorable.

Jessica loves babies. Every time she sees a baby, her voice hits the high notes. "Oh! He's so CUTE! Can I touch him? Oh! Such a cute baby!" Just loves babies. All of them. She doesn't care what color, what race, how big or small. Loves 'em all. I told her about the baby coming on Wed. Hit the high notes. Wants to see him. Can't wait! Wants a hundred of her own someday. She's the only one with enough energy for that!

Can't wait to see these new babies. Don't need to hold 'em though. My sister holds the new babies. I love to look. Don't want to break 'em. I wait till they are sitting up, then I will hold them all day long. I have unknowingly hurt new mother's feelings because I didn't want to hold the new baby. This has happened more than once. My own, no problem. Others, I like to wait. It's funny, how people expect you to be a certain way and when you aren't, they get offended. I love the babies. And I can't wait for their arrival! But I will hold them when they are sturdy and not going to break. So looking forward to tomorrow!


glorygrl said...

me too! I'm trying to enjoy my last day with "the belly".

Thanks for all the great things you've let me borrow, the dinner last night, helping us set up the room and all the other acts of friendship you, Scott and the girls have shown.

I love it that Jess came and patted my belly last night and said goodbye to J.J. too.

joannmski said...

It is so exciting. Here come the babes!

But, I am with you on waiting to hold them. And, if everyone holds the new baby, I think they are exposed to too many germs. IMHO. They don't have the immunities to put up with that until after a few months.