Saturday, December 16, 2006

The ghost in my hallway

Standing in the hall, getting batteries out of the cupboard and I hear, behind me, "Ooohhooohoooohhh! I'm a goaaassssssttt!" I turn around to see Rebekah standing there, with her nightgown over her head, waving her arms around. Priceless.


Anonymous said...

OK, this one made my heart hurt....I miss those wonderful daughter's was telling me she had long hair (hers is beyond curly like mine)and she had her t-shirt pulled up on her head like a head band and was tossing her "hair" back and forth

Amy said...

That's cute! Jess does stuff like that. And when Bekah does it, all of a sudden, you can see her whole face and she looks totally different! Fun stuff.