Thursday, December 14, 2006

When you do something stupid...

and you want to laugh at someone else who did something more stupid than you, this is it.

I was in my twenties. I was not nearly as intelligent as I am now. I had gone to the gas station. Joshua, you know the one. At the northeast corner of Canoga and Oxnard. Well, I had just filled up my tank and, wanting to be the good driver, reached down to press the reset button on the mileage counter/trip meter. Being the type that thinks I can do two things at once, I did this as I had pulled out of the driveway from the gas station onto Canoga heading north. Well, lo and behold, what I didn't realize until it was too late, was that I had stuck my hand through the middle of the steering wheel to reset the trip meter while the wheel was turned to make my right turn. As I started to go, with my arm still stuck through the steering wheel, I quickly realized that it was either break my arm or bust a very hard right into the curb. I chose the latter. POP! goes my right front tire. Talk about feeling stupid. So I sheepishly put my car into reverse, backed up into the garage portion of the service station and asked them if they could change a tire. They had all seen what I had just done. They all turned my direction when they heard the loud sound my tire made as it slammed into the curb. I was laughing so hard I couldn't tell you what any of them said. That may be the dumbest thing I have ever done. Nah, I'm sure there were more stupid moments.


Anonymous said... were 20 something, I am 60 something at the moment and I have no age excuses left. About 15 minutes ago I super glued a little piece of wood that snapped off my "computer desk" (it is an antique and I know I shouldn't have glued anything but I did)and as I sat down to read and comment on your wonderful blogs, my arm stuck to the desk and I am now minus a small piece of exterior on my arm!

Amy said...

Ouch! I hope that heals up for you! Super glue doesn't work on everything...

joannmski said...

I hit and dented my parents' garage with their car. I was not too proud of that one.