Friday, December 15, 2006

Somebody else's chili

Okay, this morning, Jessica says, "That was really good chili you made last night, Mommy!" "Thank you, sweetheart!"

So then I asked Scott again this morning what he thought of it. He said a definite three at least (out of ten)! But I think he was kidding.

Okay, so here's what happened. I was going to make it early. But one thing led to another (it always does, doesn't it) and I didn't get to the dinner-making hoohaa until about 6:30. Well, Doris specified in her recipe that it takes one hour of simmering for the first part, 45 minutes for the second part and 30 minutes for the third part. That would have put dinner at like 8:45. No bueno. So, I speeded up the process. And the person at the grocery store didn't put the ground red pepper in my bag, so I have to go back for that today and needless to say, it didn't get in the chili, since it didn't get in the bag. So, the ingredients were not exactly right. But close. This recipe basically consisted of 2 1/2 lbs of chili grind beef, a can of beef broth, small can tomato sauce and a WHOLE BUNCH of spices. No beans. Hi-falutin' chili. Scott was lamenting the omission of beans and even went so far as to look in the cupboard for chili beans. He NEVER looks in the cupboard for ANYTHING! He told me to add them if I wanted to. I didn't. So we sat down at the table. Me with a big bowl of chili, Scott with his chili and crackers, Jess and Bekah with small bowls. Jessica really liked it. She loves my chili, too, though. She said this was better than the way I normally make chili (beef, beans, tomatoes, spices). Rebekah ate some, declared it was too spicy and only ate a little more when I added more tomato sauce to hers. And a little to Jess'. Scott brought up the rear, finishing his with a ton of crackers. But then he puts crackers in his chicken noodle soup, too, and he likes that.

So, all in all, I think it was a success. I would eat it again. Scott wants me to add beans to it and see how it goes, but he would eat it again. I will have to try The Good Deacon Michael's recipe, which I also printed out. Next time. For now, prime rib is on sale at Albertson's for $4.97/lb. So that is what we will be having for Christmas Day and I am going to try out a new recipe, so I will be getting a smaller one between now and then to try out. Gotta put the chili on the shelf for now. Figuratively speaking, of course!


Anonymous said...

Make a list and check it twice before you go to the market to buy the prime rib! Check the bag before you leave the store too. We have a fridge magnet that says it all about my cooking/recipe/baking goes..."We eat from the three basic food groups...canned, frozen and take out!"

Anonymous said...

Read your sorries, I actually am laughing about what I did and my husband will get some mileage out of it as well....of course my resting on the glue job knocked the piece out of alignment and now I have to sand the stupid thing down so I don't scratch myself everytime I use the computer....see what old age does?

Anonymous said...

Me??? Make a quilt??? Me??? the woman that glued her fingers together and her arm to the desk? Can you invision what I might do with a needle? Nope, craft and creative challenged...bought it at QVC!

Amy said...

Well, since you have your own private library, I'll give you the craft and creative challenged thing. Laughing my butt off about the glue job. Still.

joannmski said...

Personally, I am afraid of Deacon Mikey the Great's recipe. Molasses????

Amy said...

Oh no, molasses would give it some depth. That sounds good to me. Like the red pepper in the chocolate. It just makes the flavors a little more complex. Come on, Mrs. Iron Chef. You should know that! ;-)