Thursday, December 14, 2006

My cookbook

My cookbook is a notebook. A three ring binder that I bought when I copied all of my grandma's recipes from her cookbook. Then I added to it. And added some more. It is not organized. But what good cookbook is? I had little scraps of paper with recipes, pages printed off the internet, notepapers with recipes on them. All different shapes and sizes stuffed into the front pocket of the binder, until there was no more room left in that pocket. I have recipes from my grandma, a few from my great aunt, some from my Aunt Sandy, some from my sister. I keep on collecting. And I need to get the family favorites from Scott's side of the family from his 95-year old grandma. I got one recipe from his mom and I think she didn't want me to make it, because it didn't turn out right. Then, she told me how to revise it and it still didn't come out right. That was the no-bake cheesecake. He doesn't think I can make it now. It turned out okay, but not quite the same as his mom made it.

So one day, I got really inspired. I got out my three-hole punch and punched holes in the scraps and notepapers and internet printouts and I put them all in. So, at least they won't fall out now. Next step will be putting them in some order, so I don't have to flip through the whole book to get to something good. When I can't find something I need the recipe for, I just call my sister. She has hers all organized. Even if it is a recipe in a magazine, she knows where to find them all. So, someday I will continue the organization of my cookbook, but for now, I have to flip through. But when I flip through it, I get a smile on my face, because as I turn the pages, I see my Aunt Sandy's writing and my Grandma Aurlette's writing and others that have given me recipes. And I have good memories.

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